Success While Walking For Weight Loss

Walking is an excellent way to begin an exercise program for weight loss.

 It is ideal if you are used to a sedentary lifestyle. You probably won't be able to jump right into heavy aerobic exercise right away, you'll need to build up your tolerance and stamina first. That isn't to say walking is only for people who are out of shape. It is good for all fitness levels and actually be quite an intense workout if done right.

Fitness experts recommend you get 150 minutes each week of moderate intensity exercise. Typically this is divided into five thirty minute sessions, but if you don't have time to do thirty minutes at a time, you can further break it down into two 15 minute daily walks. The walks shouldn't be leisurely though, push your self into the moderately intense level. You'll know you're there if your heart rate and respiratory rate have increased but you still have enough wind to carry on a conversation.

Brisk walking burns approximately 140 calories in thirty minutes, but it offers other benefits as well besides just weight loss. It strengthens your cardiovascular system and helps ward off type 2 diabetes, depression, and weak bones. There are many health benefits to walking. Jumpstarting your metabolism and helping you lose weight is an added benefit.

Walking is free and easy to do just about anywhere. Remember to keep safety in mind. Walk with a group or friend if possible, or walk in a facility or mall where others are around. Wear reflective clothing if you are out walking at dawn or dusk and don't forget to buy proper walking shoes that support your arches.

It is also a good idea to do gentle stretching exercises before you begin. If it has been quite a while since you engaged in physical activity, you should start slow and build up to thirty minutes at a time so you can avoid soreness and injury. Swing your arms when you walk so you have good balance, plus it will help you burn more calories.

Your walking session should be broken into three parts. When you begin your walk, this is the warm up phase where you gradually build up speed to a brisk walk. Once your muscles are warmed up, you can maintain the brisk walk for most of your session if you can tolerate it.

You may need to speed up and slow down. If you get so out of wind, you are unable to speak comfortably; you have gone beyond moderate intensity exercise and should slow down. The last few minutes of your walk should be spent in a cool down phase where your pace slows down and your heart rate is allowed to return to normal.

Walking is not only great exercise and the perfect addition to your weight loss plan, it is also an enjoyable activity and one you can share with friends and family of all ages.

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