The Best Exercises That Don't Require Equipment

      If you want to burn fat and tone your body at home, I've got some good news for you. You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on a cardio machine, ab exercises, or home gym. In fact, you don't need any equipment to do a solid workout at home.

      Yes, some fitness products are good and can help but there are plenty of exercises that don't require any equipment at all. In this article, I'll go over some of the best ones.

Exercise #1 - Push Ups

       If you want to work on the pectoral muscles at home, what can be better than push-ups? This is an effective bodyweight exercise that targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps. There are a number of variations of this workout: One with elevated legs which targets the upper part of the chest muscles mostly. Another with elevated hands which targets the lower part of the chest, and the standard, even one.

Exercise #2 - Close grip push ups

      While this is also a variation of the push-up, this one is a tricep exercise and not a chest one. To do the close grip pushup, all you need to do is to assume the position of a regular push-upm with one difference: your hands should be close to each other on the floor with the fingers touching each other.

Exercise #3 - Squats

      What better way to tone and shape the lower body than with squats? This is a highly effective lower body exercise. To do the squat correctly, you need to make sure that your knees don't pass the line of your toes as you descend and that your back remains straight throughout the exercise.

Exercise #4 - Calf raises

       To tone the calves, you don't need any equipment. Calf raises are a great exercise that you can do at home to strengthen and tone the calves. If you have a step or stairs to do this exercise one, use them. If not, then you can do calf raises quite effectively on the floor. Just stand on tiptoes, let your heels fall toward the floor without touching it and push yourself back to tiptoes.

Exercise #5 - Reverse crunches

       To train your abs, you should perform some reverse crunches. Lie on the floor with both knees bent and your feet off the floor. Clench your abs and bring your knees toward your chest. Lower them back to the starting position and repeat.

      As you can see, there are plenty of exercises that don't require equipment that you can do at home. Do these and see results.

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