Understanding weight loss

 Small, medium or large weight loss are the envy of many . When you hear of his past experience , and we can hear any kind. He said : "I've tried everything and nothing worked " to "I found a diet miracle " must do the right things in perspective. In the following lines I will try to explain how it actually works weight loss . Instead of being disappointed, and will probably be very happy to have a £ 1 the next time you embark on tables.
Calorie deficit
When you decide to lose weight, you must ensure that necessary changes to your lifestyle. Whether to eat better and / or transfer a little more, you will create a calorie deficit .
Every day X number of calories you need to maintain the vitality of your work when you are resting . This process is called basal metabolism. To this must be added the daily energy expenditure . And the more you move , the more you increase your metabolism . The reality is that you eat every day (which is normal! ) Usually eat as much as you expend energy. In this case , there is no change due to the calories ingested are equivalent to those that pass .
When you consume too many calories, your body will store everything. To do this, and will house the extras in adipocytes ( fat silos ) for later use .The body in a state of panic
When calories less than your energy expenditure, its fat orientation. Note that when you start this process , your body goes into panic mode . It's almost as if you lost your job and did not return the money. Next you need to take advantage of their own money and they are uncomfortable to reserves.
Your body reacts the same way when you calorie needs are deprived too fast. To correct this, try by all means to reduce the burning of fatty acids. Water retention , and low basal metabolism and decreased energy are the means used to stop losing weight.Slowly but surely
And more of your weight loss is going to be radically more your body will react dramatically to keep private reserves . If you go to a gradual and healthy, and panic will not be waiting for you and your body will be more willing to use body fat for fuel more.
To say that moderation is the best flavor was not much of a sense of

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