39 Free Weight Loss Tricks - To Lose Weight Today

Want to lose weight in 2-4 weeks ?
 Discover how to lose belly fat in 20 to 40 days from now, in this article you can find 30 free tips to lose weight. 
1 . Set small realistic goals for weight loss. For example, I need to lose 10 pounds a month , avoiding fried foods and eating fruits as snacks instead of cookies, chips or ice cream. 
2 . Drink plenty of water throughout the day, try to have 6-8 glasses a day.
3 . Having fruit as a snack between meals instead of unhealthy snacks .
4. Avoid types of fried foods, fried foods are high in fat. 

5. Choose healthy foods - ( . Kinds Avoid fried ) fish, chicken and vegetables are good choices
6 . Avoid Soda - try to drink more water or low fat milk.
7 . Move Your Body and adapt a little weekly exercise - walking, jogging, running , swimming, stair climbing , cycling and sports are different types or all types of exercises and movements you can do to burn more fat.
8 . Keep Dairy food , write down all your food choices for the week ahead.
9 . Always have a shopping list when you go grocery shopping, and eating prior to purchase. 

10 . Eat slowly - your body is slow to register when you start to fill. 
11 . Stand for 5 minutes before adding more food on your plate, this rest will help you feel if they are full or not .
12 . Stop eating when you are full .
13 . Do not eat late at night .
14 . Eating smaller meals more often during the day - divide their big 2-3 meals in 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day.Google ads
15 . I always eat breakfast - this will increase your metabolism, and also avoid overeating at the next meal.
16 . Build muscle , muscle helps you to increase your metabolism and burn fat.
17 . With oatmeal and fresh fruit for breakfast .
18 . Walk more , 20 to 30 minutes of walking per day can make a big difference in your weight every month .
19 . Dancing is a fun and effective way to lose weight .
20 . Avoid processed foods .
21 . Avoid whole grains such as bread, cereal and pasta. Instantly notice you have more energy , feel better and you will probably lose 5-10 pounds of stomach fat in a few weeks ...
22 . Avoid sugar , whole grains and dairy products. If it does remove these three foods from your diet (sugar, whole grains , dairy products) , I guarantee that you can easily lose 20 pounds of fat + stomach .
23 . Eat more eggs, and scrambled eggs for breakfast or omelette.
24 . Eat a small piece of dark chocolate.
25 . Chicken or tuna are the types of healthy foods to eat .
26 . Make a written list of reasons why you want to lose weight . Read the list whenever you feel your desire decreasing .
27 . Use the stairs and ignore the elevators and escalators.
28 . Take a long walk at least once a week .
29 . Plan ahead for your meals.
30 . Cooked meals .

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