5 Fitness & Nutrition for More lose weight

Here are 5 tips from fitness and nutrition to help with your weight loss program . Follow these and you increase your metabolism and burn more fat.
What would I do if I were you ?
If I were you , and I wanted to lose fat that I gained during the holidays ... if it is 3 pounds and 10 pounds, or 20 pounds or more ... yes, that's what I would do if I were you ...
1 - I'm going back to the program that has worked best for me in the past. So let's say my best fat loss never 8 pounds in 4 weeks last summer ... when I eat well and do three sessions full body workout per week , followed by intervals.
Then I just get right back on the program soon. Do not worry about trying to establish a fancy program on the basis of this research , or just go back to what worked before .
2 - It took me six cups of green tea per day and 3.5grams of omega- 3 fatty acids per day ( I eat fish oil supplements ) . I eat at least 6 servings of vegetables per day and 6 servings of fruits. I chop the almonds. I only eat lean protein sources . Etc. And this is what I do every day . Maybe a pizza on the weekend, but otherwise , stick to the plan.
3 - I just want exercises that hated me ... while I hate them because they are difficult . For me, it's squats, barbell rows , split squats and other exercises of large muscle groups. Just think about these exercises Taken my metabolism .
For many people , the dominated are a great challenge ... and let's face it , we are so well done total body exercise .
In fact , all the great feats of strength and interval exercises are " exercises the whole body. " If you do not believe that the lines dominated and DB are bodily exercises , so you do them at full capacity. Maybe you do not have total control of muscle mass to work your entire body with these exercises .
If you are confused by what I wrote , you'll ask for a raise really experienced in person, and you must be able to show how to do all the lifts " body exercises . "
4 - I would add more body weight exercises in my training program . Workouts body weight do not cause pain, but it will give your body the metabolic turbulence , which means the loss of more fat and more calories burned .
And you do not have to drive to the gym to do these . In fact, you could probably get a body, the total weight of the drive is in the time it takes to go to the gym and back.
5 - I keep trying to become stronger. Training for the major metabolic makes strong response in the body . In a less geek language that means your body will burn more calories, and ultimately more fat when you train to become stronger materials.

 By Craig Ballantyne

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