Brand Of Popcorn

     Popcorn is a favorite treat and when Americans eat popcorn that are serious about it . You want to find the best popcorn , right? Want popcorn seem to ensure that you get the popcorn to enjoy .    While some people there enjoying the unpopped kernels , most people want the corn popcorn fluffy. A brand of popcorn that does not explode , it is essentially a waste of time and money.     Read on to know how to get the most out of your next bag of popcorn , get to determine the brand of corn appears the best.Factors that affect how Popcorn Pops     Popcorn has a special design that allows other verses Pop Corn. There are many things that affect how the sound of popcorn . To really make a good comparison of different brands of popcorn you need to understand what things can affect popcorn.     Sometimes popcorn are the same mark appears differently if they are different brands . The fact that the moisture content of the grain must be 13% or around popping ideal may have something to do with it .     Storage or age can reduce the moisture content and not to pop the corn . It is important to choose your popcorn for testing.A simple way to compare Popcorn Brands     To start the test, you get to choose five brands of popcorn. Take 100 grains each bag. If you use microwave popcorn , just open the bags and take the grain test.Pop beads .Count the number of unpopped kernels for each brand .For best results Here are some tips :      - Get the popcorn of the same age - check the dates on the box or container.      - Choose popcorn with similar storage conditions .      - Pop in the same manner . Make sure that everything you do is exactly the same.     - Simple to use, popcorn tasteless.drawing Conclusion     You should be able to see that the grains of popcorn and left leftmost child . Popcorn with fewer unpopped kernels appeared is the best.     You can skip the second round of each brand so that you can get a better comparison . You want to exclude the possibility that something you could do better emerging brand .
     This is not a scientific test , since , as mentioned, there are so many things that can affect the test. You must be jumping as accurate and painstaking care in the selection of popcorn.      You can repeat the test and compare your results . This is particularly useful if two brand appear side by side .     The end result is that most brands of pop is pretty good. Jhon that the best may not be important. After all , the taste is what counts in the end.

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